Mersi Google pou bann zimaz/Thank you Google for the pictures

Pou mo bann aryer tizanfan ki pa’nkor ne.

Mo finn pran prete ar zot seki mo pe konsome,
Me pardonn mwa si mo pa reysi rann zot
Trezor zot finn pret mwa.
Bondie ti donn nou enn zoli zarden
Me nou’nn fer li vinn enn simitier.
Ayo mo bann zoli zanfan!
Eski pou ena fler
Dan zot douniya?

For my not yet born great grandchildren.

I have borrowed from you what I’m consuming
But forgive me for not giving back
What belongs to you.
The Lord gave us a beautiful garden;
It’s now a graveyard.
Dear, dear children,
Will there be flowers
In your world?


There’s fennel for you, and columbines: there’s rue for you; and here’s some for me: we may call it herb-grace o’ Sundays: O you must wear your rue with
a difference. There’s a daisy: I would give you some violets, but they withered all when my father died: they say he made a good end,–
(Hamlet, Act IV scene V)


Parski antiryom pran boukou letan avan deperi
Li finn vinn senbol ospitalite dan tou nou lespri.
Li pa zis zoli, ena long lavi, li amenn lasans;
Li fer soy boure, garanti boner e donn abondans.
Nou trouv li partou kan pe selebre nesans ek lamor;
Sikse ek defet; koumansman karyer; kan ariv dan por.
Tann dir ki dan ben so fey ek so fler donn lekor frison
Me fer atansion parski zot kapav donn iritasion.


Anthurium, because it lasts for a long time
Is in people’s minds a welcome sign.
It brings forth luck, long life in beauty;
Drives out bad luck, gives joy and plenty.
It celebrates birth and death;
Success and failure, start and finish.
Flower and leaf may sooth your bath
Watch it! There may be hitch and itch.


Ferm ek frazil, mo toulede;
Lavi, lamor, mo toulede.

Dezir retourn dan mo lakaz;
Dezir pou dir for mo laraz.

Artis apel mwa elegans;
Lezot fer kwar mo manigans.

Enn kontan mo lentelizans;
Lot prefer kwar mo enn nwizans.

Gita toultan li’ena rezon;
Lavi li enn kontradixion.


I am strong and in poor health;
I am also both life and death.

I am the wish to get back home;
The wish to spit out my foam.

Artists think I’m elegant;
Others claim I’m a delinquent.

Some think I’m intelligence;
Others think I’m a nuisance.

The Gita is spot on:
Life is a contradiction.


Begonia roz zoli-zoli.
Pa zis zoli dekorasion:
Bon engredian dan lakwizinn
Ek si bizen enn bon meksinn.
Pa donn zezer Sen Valanten
Me partaz lamitie vwazen.
Mem si li dir, “Tansion! Tansion!”
Li osi dir, “Lavi zoli!”


Pink begonia, little beauty!
Not just showy frippery :
To spruce up your cuisine;
If need be good medicine.
No good for Saint Valentine
But makes good neighbourhood shine.
Could be tricky and risky
But Oh how lovely!


Nou zanfan Goudlenns nou ti apel li
Boukie banane.
Bann petal dife rouz, oranz ek zonn
Ti pe anonse lane pe koste,
Lakoup pe’al fini, lekol donn konze,
Leker zanfan dan lazwa pe atann
Bonom Nwel pase.
Bann fri flanbwayan kouma sab maron
Ti vinn nou lepe ler nou fer akter;
Ler moulen soufle lakoup finn fini,
Kamion sarye kann met kostim kouler
Boukie banane.

Zordi mo aprann ki dan Lostrali
Bann aborizenn konn servi so fri
Pou prepar meni.


Goodlands kids called it
‘New year bloom’.
Fiery red, orange and yellow petals
Announced new year’s coming,
End of cane harvest, school holidays,
Kids’ Christmas hope.
Flame tree seeds in their brown jackets
Were our swords in imagined shots;
When the mill siren announced harvest end
Cane lorries dressed up
In flame tree colours.

Did you know Australian savvy
Cooks flame tree fruit spicy
As exquisite delicacy?


Dan Mekzik zot ador mwa;
Bann zardinie swazir mwa.
Dimann floris ek artis.

Dinite ek elegans;
Lamour pa konn manigans,
Tousa zot lor mo lalis.

Pa kil parad ar problem
Me pa fer fouka kanmem.
Bizen konn so sinapis.

Mo sarye boukou kouler,
Sa pa fer mwa vinn deler.
Floris donn mwa dis lor dis.


Mexicans love me;
Gardeners choose me.
Ask florists and artists!

I am dignity and elegance;
Love knows not contrivance.
My name is No Mist.

I don’t give up easily
But am not foolhardy.
Always look for the right praxis.

I carry colourful bits;
Am no misfit or nitwit.
Florists love me to bits.


Pa get zis mo pikan;
Apresie mo petal.

Gita ena rezon:
Partou kontradiksion.

Kan ou viv dan dezer
Lavi enn lot manier.

Si peyna proteksion,
Rezilta extenksion.

Pa get zis mo pikan;
Apresie mo petal.

Mo kapav pran lavi
Me mo donn lavi ‘si.

Pa get zis mo pikan;
Apresie mo petal.


I’m not just spine;
I’m also petals fine.

Gita’s spot on;
Life’s contradiction.

When you live in a desert,
Life’s full of alert.

Without protection
No preservation.

I’m not just spine;
I’m also petals fine.

I do take life
And I do give life.

I’m not just spine;
I’m also petals fine.


Mo antour legliz dan Porlwi;
Mo rasinn li dan Kerala.
Mo apel Cassia Fistula,
Aka Amaltas, ‘Konnray’ ‘si.

Kot kovil Kaylason mo la,
Fler Kavadi be momem sa.
Mo tonbe kouma lapli lor,
Beni sime, fer pelren for.

Zot apel mwa Aragvadha
Bann ki konn bien Ayourveda.
Pa zis montre sime Bondie,
Mo osi rant dan gardmanze.


I may grow in kovil’s view;
My roots are found in Kerala.
I’m called Cassia Fistula,
Aka Amaltas and ‘Konray’ too.

In Kailassam’s yard, that’s me;
Cavadee’s bloom, that’s me.
I fall like drops of gold,
Bless the path of pilgrims bold.

I am Aragvadha
For connoisseurs of Ayurveda.
Not only do I show rightness way,
I am too a good food bay.


Tou dimoun admir mo bote
Dan lamour ek dan lamitie,
Dan sekre ek dan gratitid,
Par lamod ek par labitid.

Mo rant dan biznes parfimri;
Mo prezan dan farmasi ‘si;
Kont problem mo enn bon mexinn,
Dan mo fri ena vitaminn.

Mo ena petal ki zoli
Me tansion ena pikan ‘si.

Lager Roz! Ena servi mwa pou lager;
Ziliet servi mwa pou dir lamour senser.


I am admirable in beauty,
Love and friendship,
Gratitude and secrecy,
By taste and kinship.

Perfume business uses me;
Pharmacy needs me;
For many I’m medicine;
In my fruit there’s vitamin.

My petals are rare,
My spines scare.

Some use my name to kill a dove
But Juliet’s tale tells of true love.


Depi toultan zot kontan ek apresie mwa
Me depi mo’nn tap dan lizie enn gran artis,
Li ti apel Van Gogh,
Limanite antie finn fer mwa vinn vedet.
Parski mo swiv soley, zot apel mwa Soley;
Mo mesaz depi toultan li pa finn sanze:
Falepa bes latet; viv solidarite;
Pa tike, swiv to rev.


I’ve always been loved and admired
But since I entered a great artist’s pupils,
His name was Vincent Van Gogh,
I have become humanity’s pet.
I follow the sun and they call me Sun;
My honest message has never changed:
Don’t give up; be solidary;
Lustily follow your dream.


Kot to pase to pou trouv mwa.
Dan Lazi, Lostrali, Lafrik,
Dan Lerop ek dan Lamerik.

Kot to pase to pou trouv mwa.
Dan lakaz kouma dan lakour;
Dan fet kouma dan simitier.

Kot to pase to pou trouv mwa.
Dan klinik, dan Ayourvedik;
Dan monarsi, dan repiblik.

Kot to pase to pou trouv mwa.


You’ll find me wherever you go.
In Asia, Australia, Africa,
Europe and America.

You’ll find me wherever you go.
Indoor and outdoor;
In festivals and graveyards.

You’ll find me wherever you go.
In Ayurvedic care and in clinics,
In monarchies and republics.

You’ll find me wherever you go.


Franzipann zame anpann!

Mo dekor likou doula,
Mo dekor likou doulinn.
Mo parfim ber tibaba,
Mo parfim serkey tantinn.

Franzipann zame anpann!

Mo beni lamour, maryaz,
Pouja, bajann, lanterman.
Dan shivala mo prezan,
Kot swami ek kot maraz.

Franzipann zame anpann!
Kan to ler finn arive
Ansam nou reenkarne.
Franzipann zame anpann.


Frangipani never fails you.

Garland for the bride;
And the groom’s pride.
Baby’s cot I sweeten;
Senior’s coffin I bedizen.

Frangipani never fails you.

I bless love and marriage ritual;
Service, rites and burial.
In kovil and mandir see me
Where and when the sacred is really.

Frangipani never fails you.
When time halts and is still,
Born again the two of us will.
Frangipani never fails you.


Viv to lavi bien; viv kouma bizen.
Falepa sagren kan mo vinn vilen
Parski kan mo’ale, enn lot pou vini;
Lavi kontinie ar yer ek zordi.

Ena pei ki – Hayti, Hawai –
Finn swazir zimaz ibiskis fleri
Pou desinn kler-kler zot idantite,
Pou dir for partou seki zot ete.

Mo kouler dekor bote femininn,
Mo osi nouri ar mo vitaminn;
Dite ibiskis kontrol tansion for;
Permet twa viv bien san tro gran zefor.


Live your life as it should be;
Don’t sigh and moan, be ready.
I go only to be back tomorrow;
So wipe the tears of sorrow.

In both Haiti and Hawaii
I draw people’s identity.
They know exactly who they are
Because I am never too far.

I enhance feminine beauty;
I help to keep folks healthy;
Hibiscus tea keeps down pressure,
Makes life jolly, full of pleasure.


Fler ilang-ilang donn nou dilwil esansiel
Bon pou lasante zeneral-endividiel.
Li bon pou lekor e li bon pou lespri ‘si;
Dan rezion Maskaregn li roul lekonomi.


Ylang-Ylang yields essential oil
Suitable for all our toil.
It keeps our body and mind fit
And makes the Mascarenes tweet.


Mo akonpagn lazwa
Mama ek so baba;
Mo akonpagn lamour
Ki grandi toulezour;
Mo akonpagn zefor
Fer lavi vinn pli for.
Me mo osi prezan
Kan ena movetan.


I am with her
And her baby;
I am with you
And your lover;
I am with you
When you strive hard;
I am with you
When time is hard.


So fey ek so fler extra!
Si kone kot pou plant li,
Li anpes bebet modi.

Si kone kouma manz li,
Ou salad donn lapeti.
Sey li dan gajak baja!

Li rant dan boukou manze
Me bizen konn prepare.
So fey ek so fler extra!


My leaves and flowers are amazing!
Manage them well
And your garden will be swarming.

If you know how to use me
Your salad will taste smashing.
Try me at bhaji making!

If you know how to use me,
Tour table will be inviting.
My leaves and flowers are amazing!


Pa kapav ferm mwa dan kazot!
Dan enn pei mo senboliz
Lamitie ek fraternite;
Dan lot pei mo enn senbol
Lavi, nesans ek renesans;
Dan enn pei mo senboliz
Ankor ek ankor banane;
Dan lot pei mo enn senbol
Fet mama ek rekonesans;
Dan enn pei mo senboliz
Separasion, leker kase;
Dan lot pei mo enn senbol
Konsomasion san neglizans.

Dan tou pei, mo sir enn zour,
Mo pou vinn enn senbol pwisan
Lalit pou sov anvironnman.
Pa kapav ferm mwa dan kazot!


Don’t try to coop me up!
Here I am
Friendship and fraternity;
There I am
Birth and rebirth;
Here I am
Long life;
There I am
Motherhood and gratitude;
Here I am
Separation and sorrow;
There I am
Consumption with care.

One day, I’m sure
I’ll teach children
To save the planet.
Don’t try to coop me up!


Li iniversel, li pa konn jatpat.

Ki li dan Lafrik ousa Lamerik,
Ki li dan Lazi ousa Lostrali,
Ki li dan Lerop ansien ek nouvo
Li koz dan tou lang
Langaz dinite ek fertilite;
Bote lazenes ek kontinwite.

Li dan bien partou:
Ki li dan lakour, ki li dan lakaz;
Ki li lor later, ki li lor dilo.

Ki to pe atann?
Anou tou plant lis


I’m universal, know not class or caste.

In Africa and America;
In Asia and in Australia;
In old and new Europe
I speak in all languages
Of dignity and fertility;
Of youth beauty and continuity.

I sit well everywhere:
Outdoor and indoor;
On land and on water.

Why waste time?
Let’s grow lilies
All over the place.


Lavi enn kontradixion.
Plis mo lipie dan labou,
Plis dan lesiel mo trouv tou.

Momem reenkarnasion.
Kouma mo mor mo rene
E mo lavi kontinie.

Devosion, meditasion
Zot fer parti mo atma
Lor sime al nirvana.

Mo pa zis okip lespri;
Mo okip nou lekor ‘si.
Lavi enn kontradiksion.


Life is a contradiction.
The more in the mud my feet do go
The more in the sky I see more glow.

I am reincarnation.
I rise as I drop down,
And life does not frown.

Devotion and meditation
Are in my ‘atma’
On the road to nirvana.

I do take care of the physical
As well as of the mental.
Life is a contradiction.


Pourtan mo zis enn fler ordiner!

Wordsworth ti selebre mo bote;
Shakespeare ti donn mo nom Orphelia.
Mo pa zis selebre inosans,
Mo osi fer manze gagn bon gou,
Donn lapeti, geri maladi;
De dan enn, mo marye de nam ser.

Pourtan mo zis enn fler ordiner!


I’m just an ordinary bloom!

And yet Wordsworth sang my ditty;
Shakespeare’s Orphelia knew me.
Not only do I celebrate innocence,
I give food tang and fragrance,
Whet appetite and cure malady;
Being two in one, I bind sister souls.

And yet, I’m just an ordinary bloom!


Ki mo ete?

Mo apel Lamour ek Bote;
Fertilite, virilite,
Gou rafine, pran kont, pran swen.
Bann Aztek ti met mwa dan labwason extra;
Bann Sinwa servi mwa pou fabrik remed kont
Diferan kondision medikal.
Lezot servi mwa pou fabrik parfen
Ek lesans pou met dan nouritir.

Ala ki mo ete!


Who am I?

My name is Love and Beauty;
Fertility, virility,
Good taste, caring.
Aztec people brewed me into a potent drink;
Chinese people use me for cure
To serious ailments.
Perfume makers appreciate me
And talented chefs respect me.

This is what I am.


Nou nou apel li ortansia,
An Angle dir Hydrangea.
Lontan dan lepok Viktoryen
Li ti asosie ar vilen.
Zordi li vedir santiman onet.
Pa vinn deklar bet.
Nimakarram pa koste!
Ortansia selebre maryaz,
Relasion dirab,
Sikse dan zefor.
Me tansion matlo!
Kan to rod manz li ki ena problem.

Li ranz to lakour,
Parfim to lespas.
Kifer dimann plis?


We call it ‘ortansia’;
In England it is hydrangea;
Victorian people thought it ugly;
Today it means honest feelings.
Don’t try to cheat!
Ingratitude, keep off!
With hydrangea we celebrate weddings,
Sustained relationship,
Success through work.
But careful, guys!
If you chew it, you’ll be in trouble.

It cheers up your yard;
Makes your place sweet and nice.
Why ask for more?


Pa get mwa! Mo grosie.
Mo pouse partou:
Dan karo, dan danbwa,
Dan lakour, dan zarden.
Lemwa vini, lemwa ale;
Lane vini, lane ale,
Peyna balizaz,
Mo rekta lor baz.
Mo grosie? Vremem sa?
Mo nouri mo dimoun
Kan manze napeyna.
Bann malad vinn kot mwa
Kan leren ek lefwa
Pe fer katakata.
Kan poro fer Zoro,
Mwa mo fer Rambo.
Momem pisanli, pa dandelion.


Don’t mind me, I’m common.
I grow everywhere,
In fields, in woods,
In gardens and parks.
Month after month,
Year in, year out
You’ll find me
Hanging around.
Am I really common?
I do feed famished people;
I do give comfort to suffering people;
Warts run when they see me.
Hear me you fool!
I’m piss-en-lit,


Morisien apel mwa ‘vieyfi’;
Liniversite apel mwa
“Latana Camara”.
Mo atiran ek mo zoli
Me tansion mo bien danzere.
Mo lot nom: “Tickberry”.
Kot mo pase mo fer ravaz;
Bef, vas ek kabri zwenn tase
Me boulboul kontan manz mo fri.
San kone zot plant mwa partou.

Lavi li enn kontradixion.
Latana kamara geri
Boukou maladi.
Me seye kouma mo anvi
Mo pa pou kapav geri tilespri.


Mauritians call me ‘vieille fille’;
Academics call me ‘Latana Camara’.
I am beautifully attractive.
In South Africa I am Tickberry.
I can be very naughty;
I can do a lot of harm
To cattle, goats and others.
Yet Mauritian Bulbuls love my fruit
And the poor darlings
Sow my seeds all over the place.

Life is a contradiction!
I can cure loads of conditions
But however hard I try,
I’ll never cure stupidity, my-oh-my!


Mo kouzinn Violet ti donn mwa violet
Pou mo pa bliye nesans Zezikri,
Pou mo rapel Romeo ek Ziliet
Partou dan lemonn kot lamour pati.

Limem Yinn ek Yang: protez nouvo ne;
Geri maladi; nouri vwayazer;
Repous movezer; sant lamour Bondie.
Senbol gran senier! Fierte labourer!

Malgre so grander, violet pa fezer;
Akoz samem li res anba fey ver.
Boukou pa konn so veritab valer.
Dimann Gabriyel, temwen zistwar yer.


Cousin Violet gave me a violet
To remind me of Christ’s coming,
Of Romeo and Juliet
All over the world where love’s agonizing.

Both yin and yang, it protects baby-dove;
Takes care of pathologies; feeds travellers;
Drives out evil spirits; sings divine love.
Heraldry emblem! Pride of farmers!

Violets are great but not haughty;
Under green leaves they hide shyly.
Most of us know not their superiority.
Archangel Gabriel will brief us surely.


Mo swagn lapo, mo swagn lizie;
Mo okip lezot problem ‘si.
Pratik aromaterapi
Pou gagn lape, rilax enpe.

Mo parfim lakour ek lasam;
Mo giji lamour ek pasion;
Konbat ensomni ek tansion.
Mo fer relasion gagn lagam.


I look after your skin and eyes;
And other problems that arise.
Aromatherapy is my lotion
For peace and relaxation.

Your yard and room I do perfume;
I tickle love and strong passion;
Fight insomnia and tension.
All relations I do groom.


Mwa mo zanfan Mama Later
E anmemtan zanfan Gita.
Kifer? To’le kone kifer?

Mo enn gro boul kontradixion;
Mo mars ar malen ek kouyon;
Fer ek defer mo toulede;
Vinn ansam ek viv separe.
Mo dan maryaz ek lanterman;
E anmemtan mo pous serpan.
Mo atir lamour ek mofinn;
Lazwa, larises ek larwinn.

Mwa mo zanfan Mama Later
E anmemtan zanfan Gita.
Aster to kone, kifer?


I am Mother Earth’s child
And Gita’s child as well.
Want to know more?

Contradiction is my essence;
Friend of boffins and no sense;
I do and undo spirit;
Bring together and cause to split.
At wedding and funeral you’ll find me;
Fighting snakes you’ll see me.
I am magnet to love and hate,
Joy and wealth and fate.

I am Mother Earth’s child
And Gita’s child as well.
You need no more.


Partou kot mo ete
Ena lazwa, lagete.
Mo fer biznes fler marse.

Mo selebre lavi;
Pa rod mwa kot santi pi;
Mo pa frekant ti lespri.

Si ou kontan lanatir
Savedir ou leker pir;
Ou dir ou admir soley?
Lor later mo’si parey.

Mwa mo swiv Sourrya
Isi ek laba.
Li donn lalimier,
Mwa mo donn kouler.


Wherever I be
There’s joy and glee.
Business people love me.

I celebrate living;
Avoid stinking
And narrow thinking.

If you love nature,
You show good nurture.
I hear you find the sun dear.
Same here, dear!

I follow sun god Surya
East to west, yeah.
He gives light,
I paint bright.


Diferan kouler, diferan mesaz.

Larm Marie ti donn mo nesans;
Pou patriyot mo rezistans;
Mo akonpagn separasion,
Konba pou emansipasion.

Diferan kouler, diferan mesaz.


Different colours and meanings.

Mary’s tears gave me life;
For patriots I mean strife;
Holding hands while departing,
I join the fray for well-being.

Different colours and meanings.


Ena ki kwar mo enn gonaz;
Seki kone ki gagn paryaz.

Mwa ki fer kamarad rapel
Bann ki lontan reponn lapel.
Mem si nou pa pe kapav zwenn
Mwa mo nouri santiman zenn,
Ki travers letan ek lespas,
Ki pa get ni jati ni ras.

Dan tou lasos zot pou trouv mwa;
Bontan ek movetan mo la.
Papyon ek pikpik zot konpran
Ki Zinnya li pa fenean.

Ena ki kwar mo enn gonaz;
Seki kone ki gagn paryaz.


Some think I am rubbish.
How foolish! How foolish!

I help you remember
Friends of yesteryear.
Even when we cannot meet
I sustain feelings sweet
That cross border of time and space
With no thoughts of caste and race.

You’ll find me in various dish;
In fair and foul I relish.
Butterflies and songbirds know
I never say ‘No’.

Some think I am rubbish.
How foolish! How foolish!


Mwa mo fier me mo pa vantar.

Mo fer gate ar ou lizie,
Fer ou lespri admir bote.
Mo pa nouri ou lapeti,
Ni mo donn profi farmasi.
Mo giji ou limaziner,
Ed ou pou plane dan lezer.
Mo pa mars ar selibater
Me mo beni fidelite,
Donn garanti dime meyer,
Fer bote rim ar liberte.
Mwa ek zwazo marye pike
Pou fer paradi lor later.

Mwa mo fier me mo pa vantar.


I’m proud but not haughty.

I charm your eyes,
Tweak your senses.
You’ll find me not in pots and pans
Or in apothecary’s jars and cans.
Fine tuning your imagination,
I make you practise levitation.
I’m no friend to loneliness
But loyalty, fidelity I bless;
I promise better tomorrow
With beauty, freedom and no sorrow.
Birds and I have made a deal
To make heaven on this dull earth.

I’m proud but not haughty.


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