We gently caress you, the Earth, our planet and our home.
Our vision has brought us closer to you, making us aware of the harm we have done to the life-network upon which we ourselves depend.
We are reminded that we have poisoned your waters, your lands, your air.
We have filled you with the bones of our dead from war and greed.
Your pain is our pain.
Touching you gently, we pray that we may become peace-bringers and life-bringers so that our home in its journey around the Sun not become a sterile and lonely place.
May this prayer and its power last forever.

Ar tandres nou okip twa Gaia-Mata, nou planet, nou lakaz.
Nou sazes pe fer nou realize ditor ki nou finn fer twa ek lasenn lavi. Pourtan nou bizen sa pou nou viv.
Aster nou konpran ki nou finn anpwazonn dilo, later ek ler.
Nou finn ranpli to lekor ar lezo kadav, viktim lager ek gourmandiz.
To soufrans li nou soufrans.
Permet nou tous twa ar tandres. Nou dimann Bondie ed nou pou vinn militan lape ek protekter lavi pou ki nou lakaz ki tourn otour soley pa vinn enn planet steril san lavi.
Bondie, pa les nou lapriyer perdi so lafors e tom dan vid.


Grandfather, Great Spirit, once more behold me on earth and lean to hear my feeble voice.
You lived first, and you are older than all need, older than all prayer.
All things belong to you — the two-legged, the four-legged, the wings of the air, and all green things that live.
You have set the powers of the four quarters of the earth to cross each other.
You have made me cross the good road and road of difficulties, and where they cross, the place is holy.
Day in, day out, forevermore, you are the life of things.
Hey! Lean to hear my feeble voice.
At the center of the sacred hoop
You have said that I should make the tree to bloom.
With tears running, O Great Spirit, my Grandfather,
With running eyes I must say
The tree has never bloomed.
Here I stand, and the tree is withered.
Again, I recall the great vision you gave me.
It may be that some little root of the sacred tree still lives.
Nourish it then that it may leaf and bloom
And fill with singing birds!
Hear me, that the people may once again
Find the good road
And the shielding tree.

Granparan, Granlespri pran mwa kont lor later e ekout mo ti lavwa feb.
Ou finn konn tou avan tou; ou finn ne avan dezir imen; avan premie lapriyer.
Tou seki la pou ou sa: zanimo de pat, zanimo kat pat, zanimo ar lezel ek tou verdir ki respir lavi.
Ou finn donn pouvwar toulekat kar later pou fizione.
Ou finn fer mwa travers bon sime, sime difisil e ou finn fer tou lakrwaze vinn sakre.
Vire-tourne oumem nam tou lavi.
Ayo! Ekout mo ti lavwa feb.
Dan sant enn serk sakre
Ou ti dir mo pou fer pie bourzone.
Ar larm dan lizie, O Granparan, O Granlespri,
Bizen plito dir ar larivier larm, mo bizen dir
Zame pie pa finn bourzone.
Mo pie, Senier, li malad, li pe mor.
Mo pa finn bliye ou profesi.
Kikfwa enn tibout rasinn frengan pie sakre ankor la.
Nouri li Senier, fer li bourzone ek fleri!
Abiy li ar zwazo mizikal!
Ekout mo lapriyer Senier, Granparan, Granlespri!
Ed nou pou nou trouv bon sime
Ek lonbraz ou pie.


Dear mother earth, who day by day
Unfolds rich blessing on our way,
O praise God! Alleluia!
The fruits and flowers that verdant grow,
Let them his praise abundant show.
O praise God, O praise God,
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

O Mama Later, twa ki toulezour
Beni nou lavi ar trezor lamour
Nou dir twa mersi. Alelouya!
Les bann fri ek fler dan zarden mervey
Selebre to grander san parey.
Mersi Bondie! Mersi Bondie!
Alelouya! Alelouya! Alelouya!


O! Mother Earth,
who has the ocean as clothes and mountains and forests on her body,
who is the wife of Lord Vishnu, I bow to you.
Please forgive me for touching you with my feet.

O! Mama Later,
Ki met sari losean ble ek sarye montagn ek lafore lor so lekor;
Tomem Shakti Vishnou. Aksepte mo adorasion.
Pardonn mo lipie malang ki mank twa direspe.

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