Dan nou pei nou ena 2 lang kreol. Nou lang nasional (Morisien) ek nou lang ofisiel (Angle) zot toulede lang kreol.

In our country there are 2 creole languages. Our national language (Mauritian) and our official language (English) are both creole languages.

Dan nenport ki lang ena enn varyete mo. Bann mo la zot klase dan diferan KLAS MO.

In any language there is a variety of words. They are placed in different WORD CLASSES.

1.nom; 2. verb; 3. azektif; 4. adverb; 5. determinan; 6. pronom; 7. Prepozision; 8. Konzonksion; 9. Interzeksion/exklamasion.

1.nouns; 2. verbs; 3. adjectives; 4. adverbs; 5. determiners; 6. pronouns; 7. prepositions; 8. Conjunctions; 9. interjections/ exclamations.

Ena 2 kalite nom: nom komen ek nom prop.

There are 2 types of nouns: common nouns and proper nouns.

Enn nom li idantifie enn dimoun; enn kiksoz; enn lide.
1. Dimoun: papa, mama, tonton, tantinn, vwazen, labourer, peser, frer, ser …
2. Kiksoz: latab, sez, lakaz, lisien, sat, bef, vas, gato, pie-mang, legim …
3. Lide: bote, lazwa, lafwa, anbision, laverite, danze …

Nom prop li donn idantite enn dimoun, enn landrwa ek enn kiksoz.
1. Dimoun: Dev, Stefani, Koushi, Sofia, Berty …
2. Landrwa: Rozil, Moris, Langleter, Goudlenns …
3. Kiksoz: Zanvie, Lendi, Mauritius Times, Weekly, Hamlet, Li …
NB pou nom prop premie let alfabet li kapital.

Pou endik pliryel Morisien servi ‘bann’ ki nou plas avan nom; anzeneral Angle endik pliryel ar ‘s’ ki plase alafen enn nom.
To indicate the plural form Mauritian uses ‘bann’ which is placed before the noun;

English in general places ‘s’ at the end of the noun.
EKZANP: enn latab > a table; bann latab > tables; enn sez > a chair; bann sez > chairs.

Enn verb li dekrir enn aksion, enn sitiasion, ek enn sanzman.
1. Aksion: manze, bwar, marse, galoupe …
2. Sitiasion: paret sagren, gagn fre … (azektif souvan fonksionn kouma verb – nou apel li verb statif. Ekzanp: li zoli; li fatige …)
3. Sanzman: retresi, large, grandi, devlope, eklate …

Dan Morisien ek Angle ena 3 tan ek 2 aspe
Dan sa 2 lang la ena 3 tan: PREZAN, PASE, FITIR.

In both languages there are 3 tenses: present tense, past tense and future tense.
1. Mo manz gato. (I eat cakes.)
2. Yer mo ti manz gato. (Yesterday I ate cakes.) NB An Angle ena 2 kalite verb: verb regilie ek verb iregilie. Pou bann verb regilie verb+sifix ‘ed’ endik pase: work>worked; walk>walked …; verb iregilie zot pran enn lot form: eat>ate; drink>drank; sleep>slept … Morisien servi marker pase ‘ti’ ki plase avan verb. … In English there are 2 types of verbs: regular and irregular verbs. Regular verbs use the suffix ‘ed’ to mark the past tense: work>worked; walk>walked …; irregular verbs change and take a new form: eat>ate; drink>drank; sleep>slept …; Mauritian uses the tense marker ‘ti’ which is placed before the verb.
3. Dime mo pou manz gato. (Tomorrow I will eat cakes.) Morisien servi marker fitir ‘pou’; Angle servi marker fitir ‘will’. Mauritian uses the future tense marker ‘pou’ and English uses ‘will’.

Morisien ek Angle servi 2 marker aspe: progresif ek perfektif. Progresif montre ki aksion la pe kontinie; perfektif endike ki aksion la finn arete.

Mauritian and English use the progressive and perfective aspect markers. The progressive aspect marker indicates that the action is ongoing and the perfective indicates that the action has been completed.
Mo pe manz gato – I’m eating cakes.
Mo ti pe manz gato – I was eating cakes.
Mo finn manz gato – I have eaten cakes.
Mo ti finn manz gato – I had eaten cakes.

Enn azektif li dekrir enn nom, donn nou plis detay lor li: fler rouz, gran dimoun, dimoun malonet, zanimo sovaz, dilo so, zanfan malen …

Adjectives describe nouns and give extra information: red flower, great person, dishonest person, wild animal, hot water, bright child …
Note: an Morisien ena azekti ki paret avan nom ek azektif ki paret apre nom. Ekzanp: zoli zarden, zarden abandone. An Angle azektif li toultan plase avan nom: beautiful garden, abandoned garden.

In Mauritian some adjectives appear before nouns, others after nouns: zoli fler (beautiful flowers); fler rouz (red flowers). In English adjectives always occur before nouns: beautiful flowers; red flowers.

NB azektif Morisien li osi fonksionn kouma verb: Li vilen me li bon (he/she is ugly but he/she is good). Angle servi oxilier ‘is’. Morisien pa servi oxilier.

NB Mauritian adjectives may function as verbs as in ‘Li vilen me li bon’. English uses a copula (auxiliary verb: to be): She is ugly but she is good.

Adverb donn nou detay lor deroulman verb.

Adverbs give extra information on verbs.
Ena 3 kalite adverb: adverb manier; adverb moman; adverb landrwa.
Adverb manier: vit, dousman, for … (li galoup vit, li mars dousman, li koz for)
Adverb moman: yer, zordi, dime … (yer li ti vini, zordi li pa travay, dime li pou al get dokter)
Adverb landrwa: isi, laba, lao, anba … (vinn isi, al laba, mont lao, desann anba)

There are 3 types of adverbs: manner adverbs, time adverbs, place adverbs.
Manner adverbs: quickly, slowly, aloud… (he runs quickly, she walks slowly, he/she speaks aloud)
Time adverbs: yesterday, today, tomorrow… (yesterday he came, today she does not work, tomorrow he/she will see a doctor)
Place adverb: here, there, up, down… (come here, go there, go up, go down)

Sa se enn group mo ki fonksionn kouma adverb.
Adverbial manier: li mars kouma enn torti; li monte vadire fize; li kriye kouma enn lion araze.
Adverbial moman: boner gramaten li al travay; lafen sak mwa li vinn get mwa; li bwar apre travay …
Adverbial landrwa: li bwar anba lavarang laboutik; li manze dan lakantinn liniversite …

An adverbial is a group of words (a phrase) which functions as an adverb:
1. Manner adverbial: He walks like a tortoise; he climbs like a racket; he roars like a furious lion.
2. Time adverbial: early in the morning he goes to work; at the end of each month he comes to see me; he drinks after work …
3. Place adverbial: he drinks under the shop verandah; he eats at the university canteen …
Ena 3 group determinan: artik, posesif, lezot.

There are 3 groups of determiners: articles, possessives and others.
Artik/articles: ena artik defini (definite article) ek artik endefini (indefinite article).
1. Artik defini (definite article): Latab la, sez la, lakaz la (the table, the chair, the house).
2. Artik endefini (indefinite article): enn latab, enn sez, enn lakaz (a table, a chair, a house).
Posesif (possessives): mo, to/ou, so, nou, zot, bannla zot. Ekzanp: mo lakaz (my house), to/ou lakaz (your house), so lakaz (his/her house), nou lakaz (our house), zot lakaz (your house), bannla zot lakaz (their house).
Lezot: sa lakaz la (this house), sa bann lakaz la (those houses), sak lakaz (each house), boukou lakaz (many houses) …

1. Pronom size (subjective pronouns): mo, to/ou, li, nou, zot, bannla (I, you, he/she, we, you, they).
2. Pronom obze (objective pronouns): mwa, twa/ou, li, nou, zot, bannla (me,you, him/her, us, you, them).
3. Pronom reflexif (reflexive pronouns): momem, tomem/oumem, limem, noumem, zotmem, bannlamem (myself, yourself, himself/herself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves).

Bann prepozision ed nou pou donn plis presizion: dan trou, lor latab, anba latab, depi … ziska, ar kouto, par bis, ets.

Prepositions help us to be very precise: in the hole, on the table, under the table, from … to, with a knife, by bus etc.

Ena 2 group konzonksion: kordinasion ek sibordinasion (coordinating and subordinating).
Kordinasion konekte de item: twa ek mwa, swa twa swa mwa, twa me pa mwa (you and I, either you or me, you but not me).
Sibordinasion konekte 2 fraz:
Li malad. Li al travay. Zot vinn: “Mem li malad li al travay”. (Although he is ill he goes to work).
Li pa pou vini. Li malad. Zot vinn “Li pa pou vini parski li malad”. (She will not come because she is ill).

Se bann expression ki nou servi pou exprim nou emosion (Expressions used to express emotions): Ayo! Baap! Beztominn! Ferfout! (Ouch!, Good lord!, Bastard!, Fuck!)

Pli ti fraz ena enn nom size ek enn verb: Soley leve.

The shortest sentence has a noun (subject) and a verb: The sun rises.
Nou kapav ena enn fraz ki ena: nom size + verb + nom obze. Ekzanp: Berty manz dipen.

We may have a sentence with a subject + verb + object as in Berty eats bread.

Si nou azout azektif, adverb ek adverbial enn fraz kapav vinn bien long: Boner toulegramaten vie Berty manz dipen so-so dan lakwizinn.

By adding adjectives, adverbs and adverbials a sentence may become quite long: Early every morning old Berty eats hot bread in the kitchen.
Si nou servi konzonksion nou kapav konekte bann ti fraz pou fer long fraz.

By using conjunctions we can connect short sentences to make longer ones.
1. Mo kontan sante. Mo plis kontan danse. Sa 2 la vinn: Mo kontan sante ek mo plis kontan danse. I love to sing. I love to dance more. They become: I love to sing and I love to dance more.
2. Mo kontan sante. Mo pa kontan danse. Sa de fraz la vinn: Mo kontan sante me mo pa kontan danse. I love to sing. I do not love to dance. They become: I love to sing but I do not love to dance
Detrwa lezot ekzanp:
1. Swa to dormi, swa to travay me pa kapav fer toulede. Either you sleep or you work but you cannot do both.
2. Lakaz kot mo reste li dan Rozil. The house in which I live is in Rose Hill.
3. Mo kontan parski mo finn reysi fer sa. I am happy because I have succeeded to do it.
4. Si to ekoute to pou konpran. If you listen you will understand.
5. Li dir mwa li pa pou kapav travay. He tells me he will not be able to work.

abandone (to abandon); abime (to damage); abazour (lampshade); abesede (alphabets); abitan (inhabitant); abolision (abolition); abonnman (subscription); abriti (idiot); abime (damaged); abordab not too expensive); abite (to live in); abiye (to get dressed); abize (to abuse); aboli (to abolish); abor (on board of a ship); adrwat (on the right); abriti (to confuse); absorbe (to absorb); admet (to accept); absan (absent); abse (abcess); absird (absurd); abstansion (abstention); adilt (adult); abstre (abstract); adikte (addicted); adision (addition); administrater (administrator); admirasion (admiration); admision (admission); adorasion (adoration); adverser (opponent); afeksion (affection); agreser (aggressor); agrikiltir (agriculture); agriment (agreement); agwa (go-between); akizasion (accusation); akize (accused); akonpagnment (accompaniment); admire (to admire); adopte (to adopt); adoptif (adopted); adorab (adorable); adore (to adore); adrwat (rightwing); afame (famished); afebli (to weaken); afekte (to affect); afler (flowery); agasan (annoying); agase (to annoy); agos (leftwing); agos (on the left); agrandi (to enlarge); akeyir (to welcome); akimile (to pile up); agreab (pleasant); agresif (aggressive); ak (acrid); akademik (academic); akaro (checked); akeyan (welcoming); akseptab (acceptable); aksesib (accessible); akize (to accuse); akote (nextdoor); akouse (to deliver); akrobat (acrobat); akselerater (accelerator); aksidan (accident); akrose (to hang); akselere (accelerate); aksepte (accept); aksion (action); akter (actor); aktif (active); aktivis (militant); aktris (actress); akwatik (aquatic); alal (halal); alanver (inside out); alavans (in advance); ambalao (upside down); anbie (aslant); albom (album); ale (to go); aler (on time); alert (flirtatious); alerzik (allergic); alime (to light up); aliminiom (aluminium); alkolik (alcoholic); alite (bedridden); alkolik (alcoholic); alo (water-based); alonze (to lie down); amalgame (to amalgamate); alouda (alouda); alwa (halwa); alwil (oil-based); amare (to tie); amater (amateur); ameliore (to improve); amene (to bring); amer (bitter); amikal (friendly); amizan (funny); amize (to amuse); amoure (in love); analiz (analysis); anbasader (ambassador); anbouteyaz (traffic jam); andikape (disabled person); analize (to analyse); anbete (to deceive); anbome (embalm); anbrase (to kiss); anbrouye (to confuse); andirsi (to harden); andormi (to put to sleep); anexe (to annex); anba (on the ground); anmer (at sea); anba-anba (not openly); anplan (without consideration); anbilan (itenerant); anbisie (ambitious); anbrouye (confused); andete (in debt); andan (inside); andeor/deor (outside); ater (ashore); andikape (handicapped); anemi (anaemic); anestezi (anaesthesia); anex (annex); anfanten (childish); anfile (to thread a needle); anflame (to set on fire); angele (to scold); anfle (lorry helper); anfle (swollen); angaze (committed); ankoler (angry); angi (eel); Angle (English); angrese (to fatten); anile (to cancel); ankadre (to frame); ankastre (to fit in); anmani (fussy); annord (tidy); anons (announcement); anpesman (hindrance); anplifikater (amplifier); anplwaye (employee); ansegnan (teacher); anonse (to announce); anpese (to prevent); anpwazone (to poison); anrezistre (to register); antere (to bury); anpann (brokan down); anpoud (powdered); anplis (extra); anretar (late); anrwe (hoarse); ansam (together); ansestral (ancestral); ansien (old); anset (ancestor); anta (in a heap); ante (haunted); antie (whole);
antisosial (antisocial); anvog (fashionable); apetisan (delicious);
antivol (burglar proof bars); antone (to stuff oneself); antoure (to circle);
antrekoup (intercrop);anvi (desire); anvi (to wish); anvlope (to wrap);
anvole (to fly); anz (angel); apartman (flat); apele (to call); apepre (about);
apiye (to support); aprann (to learn); apranti (apprentice); apre (to chase);
apredime (day after tomorrow); apresie (to appreciate); aprouve (to approve); aranze (to repair); apwa (spotted); arete (to stop); arive (to reach); arme (to arm); aroze (to water); arpan (acre); arsitek (architect); arsiv (archives); artis (artist); artistik (artistic); artizan (craftsman); artizanal (handmade); aryere (ignorant); avangard (avantgard); avanse (advanced); arwi (arrow root); asasen (murderer); ase (enough/quite);
asire (to insure); asistan (assistant); aterisaz (landing); asiste (to attend);
asize (to sit); aste (to buy); aster/asterla (now); aswar (at night); atake (to attack); atann (to wait); aterir (to land); atire (to attract); atlas (atlas); atlet (athlete); atouler (time and again); atoupri (at all costs); atrape (to catch); avale (to swallow); avanse (to move forward); averti (to inform); avarye (damaged); aveg (blind); avion (airplane); avoka (barrister); avortman (abortion); Avril (April); avwe (sollicitor); azan (agent); azann (azann – Muslim call to prayer); azir (to act); azoute (to add) …

ba (cheap; low); ba (kiss); ba (to kiss); baba (baby); bachara (stupid person); badinaz (joke); bag (ring); bagar (fight); bagas (bagasse); bagaz (luggage);
baget (stick); baitka (Indian club); baj (badge); bafoul (speaker); baja (bhaji);
bak (back); bake (bucket); baking (backing); bakle (to scamp); baksis (baksheesh); bal (bullet); bal (gunnysack); baladez (portable lamp); balans (scales); balanse (to swing); balie (to sweep); balon (balloon); balote (to lurch); balye (broom); ban (bench); banane (year); banann (banana); banbou (bamboo); bandaz (bandage); bandi (ruffian); bandrol (banner); bang (soma); bangole (to squander); bare (to stop); bankal (unsound);
bann (plural marker); banndari (cook); bar (bar); baraswa (fish farm);
baraz (fence); barbar (cruel); baret (hair-clip); barik (barrel); barket (food tray); barmenn (barman); barsketborl (basketball); basen (pool); batat (sweet potato); batem (christening); batiman (building); bate (to beat); bato (boat);
baton (stick); batri (battery); bavar (talkative); bave (to slobber); bayante (to sell at a low price); baye (to yawn); baz (base); bazar (market); bebet (bug);
bef (ox); begeye (to stammer); beke (to peck); beki (crutch); belo (to roll out);
benefis (profit); benefisie (to benefit); beni (to bless); ber (cradle); bersez (lullaby); bese (to lower); bet (silly); betiz (vulgar word); betman (in a stupid way); beton (concrete); bibron (baby’s bottle); bien (very); bife (cupboard); bileng (bilingual); bine (to hoe); biret (oil can); biro (desk); bis (bus); bisagn (non-veg); bisiklet (bicycle); biskwi (biscuit);bistop (bus stop); bive (to absorb); biye (bank note); bizen (must); biznes (business); bizou (jewel); blage (to chatter); blame (to blame); blan (white); ble (blue); blese (to hurt);
bliye(to forget); blok (concrete block); bobinn (spool); bloke (to block);
blon (blond); blunder); bofor (bumper); bol (bowl); bolom (old man); bom (bomb);bomarse (cheap); bon (good); ); bonavini (carelessly); bonbon (sweet); bonbonn (gas cylinder); Bondie (God); bonis (bonus); bonnfam (old woman); bot (boot); boude (to sulk); boufon (fool); bouk (male goat); boukle (curly); boul (ball); boulon (bolt); boure (to run away); bouze (to move); bourik (ass); bourzwa (boss); bouson (cork); bouster (booster); boutey (bottle); bouton (button); bouyant (boiling); bouyon (thin soup); box (boot); boxe (to box); boykote (to boycott); braib (bribe); brans (branch); brasle (bracelet); brav (brave); bred (edible greenery); brenzel (brinjal); bren (brown-skinned); brile (to burn); brit (brutal); briyani (biryani); briye (to shine); brizan (coral reefs); bros (brush); brose (to brush); brouyar (fog); brouyon (draft); bwar (to drink); bwat (box); bwate (to limp); bwi (to boil)…

chamkay (punishment); chapati (chapatti); ches (chest); chips (chips); chocho (to fuck); chouk-chouk (dummy); chake (to go for a walk); chalenj (to challenge); cheke (to check);
dal (dahl); dantifris (toothpaste); danze (danger); daplon (upright); dat (date); dayri (diary); debale (to unpack); debarase (to grt rid of); debarke (to unload); deborde (to overflow); debouse (to clean out); debranse (to prune); debrouye (to find one’s way); debarkader (wharf); debordman (flooding); debrouyar (resourceful person); dedomaze (to compensate); defann (to defend); defans (defence); defansif (defensive); degoutan (disgusting); dekolte (low-necked); dekonserte (disappointed); dekoratif (ornamental); delave (stone-washed); delika (delicate); defer (to undo); defet (failure); defi (challenge); defile (parade); definision (definition); defisit (deficit); defo (defect); defonse (to burst open); degaze (to hurry); dega (damage); degizman (disguise); degou (disgust); degre (degree); dek (cauldron; large cooking pot); dekaste (to unseal); deklare (to declare); dekole (to detach); dekonpoze (to decompose); deklarasion (statement; registration); dekor (scenery); dekouver (to discover); dekrir (to describe); delivre (to deliver); demare (to start); dekouvert (discovery); deksi (cooking pot); dele (extra time); delegasion (delegation); delenkan (delinquent); delivrans (deliverance); delo/dilo (water); delix (luxury); delwil (oil); demann (marriage request); demaraz (start); demars (attempt); demision (dismissal); demokrasi (democracy); demolision (demolition); demon (devil); demaye (to unravel); demenaze (to move out); demisione (to resign); demoli (to demolish); demonte (to dismantle); denonse (to denounce); depane (to repair); depanse (to spend); depiste (to detect); deplase (to move); demokratik (democratic); depi (since); deplase (unbecoming); deryer (rear); departman (department); depo (deposit); depouyman (counting of votes); depler (to displease); deranze (to disturb); desine (to draw ); deswit (immediately); depozision (complaint); depresiasion (depreciation); derik (crane); deryer (at the back); des (desk); Desam (December); desandan (descendant); desbinn (dustbin); desen (drawing); deskripsion (description); desten (fate); deser (dessert); desire (to tear); destinasion (destination); destriksion (destruction); det (debt); detay (detail);detektiv (detective); detour (detour); devaliasion (devaluation); deviz (foreign currency); devlopman (development); devwar (homework); dezagreman (trouble); dezas (disaster); dezavantaz (disadvantage); detere (to unearth); deteste (to hate); devalie (to devalue); devaste (to devastate); devide (to empty); devine (to guess); devise (to unscrew); devlope (to develop); devore (to devour); dezabiye (to undress); dezarme (to disarm); dezele (to unfreeze); difame (to slander); dimande (to ask); devwe (devoted); deza (already); dezene (lunch); dezer (desert); dezir (desire); dezord (disorder); dezorder (troublemaker); diab (devil); diabet (diabetes); diabetik (diabetic); diadem (diadem); diagram (diagram); dialog (conversation); diaman (diamond); diamet (diameter); diber (butter); dibien (wealth); dible (wheat); dibri (dispute); dibwa (wood); diezel (diesel oil); difamasion (libel); dife (fire); diferan (different); difikilte (difficulty); diksioner (dictionary); diktater (dictator); difisil (difficult); dile (milk); dilo (water);
dimal (wound); Dimans (Sunday); dimansion (dimension); dimoun (people);
dime (tomorrow); diminie (to diminish); dinamit (dynamite); dinamo (dynamo); dine (dinner); dinite (dignity); dinwar (soot); dipi (pus); dipin (bread); diplom (diploma); diplon (lead); dir (hard); dir (to say); dirab (durable); direk (direct); direksion (direction/ driving wheel); diri (rice); dirize (to rule); dirouz (lipstick); disab (sand); disan (blood); disel (salt);
disip (disiple); disiplinn (discipline); diskawnt (discount); diskalifie (disqualified); distile (distilled); disket (disket); diskision (discussion); diskriminasion (discrimination); disoud (to dissolve); disparet (to disappear); divorse (to divorce); dispanser (dispensary); distans (distance); distilri (distillery); distribision (distribution); distrik (district); distre (absent-minded); dominer (domineering); dosil (submissive); dite (tea); diten (thyme);
ditor (harm); Divali (Divali); divan (in front); divan (wind); diven (wine); divizion (division); divors (divorce); dizef (egg); dodo (dodo); dokiman (document); dokter (doctor); dizere (to digest);domaz (damage); domine (to dominate, bully); done (to give); drese (to iron);
dominer (bully); domino (domino); dou (sweet); doub (double); douk (difficult situation); douri (rice); dous (shower); dousman (slowly); dout (doubt); doz (dose); dra (bed sheet); dren (drain); drenaz (WC); droge (to take drugs); droger (drug addict); danse (to dance);
drwat (straight) …

ebenis (cabinetmaker); ebenn (ebony); edike (to educate); efase (to erase); efreyan (frightening); egal (equal); egalite (equality); egri (bitter); eklate (to burst); eklere (to light); ekoute (to listen); ekrito (sign); ekriven (writer); ekzizan (demanding); ekzotik (exotic); elegan (elegant); eleksion (election); elekter (voter); elektrik (electric); elektrisien (electrician); elektrisite (electricity); elikopter (helicopter); elmet (helmet); elimine (to eliminate); ena (there is/are); ena (to have); enbesil (idiot); endesan (indecent); enfekte (infected); Endou (Hindu); enfekte (to infect); enfirmie (male nurse); enportasion (import); enspekter (inspector); entelektiel (intellectual); enterpret (interpreter); entrodiksion (introduction); enfize (to infuse); enflianse (to influence); enforme (to inform); ennjoy (to enjoy); engra (ungrateful); enpasian (impatient); enpir (impure); enorm (huge); enpe (a little); enporte (to import); enpoze (to impose); enprime (to print); enposib (impossible); ensinifian (insignificant); entelizan (intelligent); envizib (invisible); ensiste (to insist); enspire (to inspire); enstale (to install); enterese (to be interested); entrodir (to introduce); envante (to invent); envite (to invite); epe (thick); eple (to spell); ere (happy); erer (error); erezman (luckily); eroik (heroic); esansiel (essential); esantiyon (sample); ese (essay);eseyaz (fitting); eskabo (step ladder); esklav (slave); eskize (to excuse); esklavaz (slavery); espere (to hope); espion (spy); estime (to estimate); exazere (to exaggerate); existe (to exist); etidian (student); etranze (stranger); evolision (evolution); exkirsion (outing); exitan (exciting); exite (to excite); exkiz (apology); exper (expert); explikasion (explanation); explozion (explosion); expozision (exhibition); exsepsion (exception); edikatif (educational); efikas (efficient); explike (to explain); exporte (to export); expoze (exhibit); expre (on purpose); extra (extra); ezite (to hesitate);

fabrike (to make); fad (tasteless); fakter (postman); fam (woman); fami (relative); fanatik (fanatical); fane (to do it wrong); farous (to scare away); faner (troublemaker); fantom (ghost); fardo (burden); fars (joke); fasil (easy); fasilite (facility); fatal (fatal); fatigan (tiring); faver (favour); fawl (foul); fay (ill); fayl (file); feb (weak); fedartifis (fireworks); federasion (federation); fennsifer (fun fair); fek (just); fekfekla (recently); fel (to fail); felisite (to congratulate); fer (to make, to do); fermal (to ache); fen (fine); fen (hungry);
feray (iron bar); fermtirekler (zip); ferme (to shut ); feros (ferocious); fertil (fertile); festival (festival); fet (celebration); fete (to celebrate); Fevriye (February); fey (leaf); fezer (proud person); figir (face); filant (shooting); filao (casuarina); filwar (chain); fim (film); fimie (manure); fimle (to film); finans (money); finn (perfective aspect marker); fiol (vial); fit (puncture); fite (to sharpen); fitnes (fitness); fitwar (sharpener); fizi (gun); fizik (physical); flanbo (torch); flate (to flatter); flater (flatterer); fleri (to flower); fletri (withered); flexib (flexible); flite (to flit); fonn (to melt); forse (to force);
fortinn (fortune); foser (unreliable person); fotey (armchair); foto (picture);
fou (mad); foul (completely); fourset (fork); foutborl (football); fouye (to dig);
fraka (disorder); fran (frank); fraz (sentence); frazil (fragile);fre (cold; fresh);
frekante (to court); frel (weak); fren (brake); freser (cold); fri (fruit); frir (to fry); friyapen (breadfruit); frod (fraud); frode (to do something illegal); fromaz (cheese); frote (to rub); fwet (whip); fwete (to whip) …

gabzi (muddle); gaf (boat hook); gagne (to get); gajak (nibbles); galimacha (mess); galoupe (to run); gamat (gamat – event on the eve of a wedding); ganja (gandia; Indian hemp); garanti (guarantee); garanti (to guarantee); garde (to keep); garaz (garage); gard (policeman); gardien (watchman); gaspiyaz (wastage); gargarize (to gargle); gaspiye (to waste ); gate (not fresh); gate (to spoil); gato (cake); gaz (gas); gazon (lawn); gazouye (to babble); gele (to weep); geri (to cure); gete (to look); gid (guide); gide (to guide); gidigidi (to tickle); gidon (handlebar); glisan (slippery); glise (to slip); glob (light bulb);
global (global); gobe (to catch); goble (mug); golmal (wrong); gom (rubber);
gonaz (rubbish); gonfle (to inflate); gopia (idiot); gore (to cheat); gos (left);
gou (taste); gourman (greedy); gout (drop); goute (to taste); gouvernay (rudder); gouvernman (government); goyav (guava); gra (fat); gran (big); grad (grade); graden (row of seats); gramer (grammar); grandi (to grow up); grap (bunch); grate (to scratch); gratis (free of charge); grav (serious); grene (to fall); grense (to creak); gri (grey); grif (claw); griye (to grill); gro (big); grog (drink); grogne (to groan); grosie (rude); group (group); groupe (to gather) …

halwa (halwa); harftaym (half time); hom (home); horl (hall);

NB: ena 2 fason ekrir vwayel nazal /ɛ̃/: ‘en’ ou ‘in’. Ekzanp: ‘entelizan’ ek ‘intelizan’.
Id (Eid- Muslim festival); idantite (identity); iliminasion (illumination); ilistrasion (illustration); imigran (immigrant); ilegal (illegal); imans (huge); imen (human); imid (humid); imitasion (imitation); inbesil (idiot); indesan (indecent); Indou (Hindu); infekte (infected); infirmie (male nurse); inportasion (import); inspekter (inspector); intelektiel (intellectual); interpret (interpreter); introdiksion (introduction); infize (to infuse); inflianse (to influence); informe (to inform); ingra (ungrateful); inpasian (impatient);
inpir (impure); inporte (to import); inpoze (to impose); inprime (to print);
inposib (impossible); insinifian (insignificant); intelizan (intelligent); invizib (invisible); insiste (to insist); inspire (to inspire); instale (to install); interese (to be interested); introdir (to introduce); invante (to invent); invite (to invite); imite (to imitate); ini (plain); inisiale (to initial); initil (useless); inogire (to inaugurate); inonde (to flood); inosan (innocent); ipnotize (to hypnotise); irite (to irritate); ipokrit (hypocrite); irigasion (irrigation); ipokrit (hypocritical); iresponsab (irresponsible); isterik (hysterical);
irle (to howl); isi (here); Islam (Islam); istwar (history); itil (useful); itilize (to utilise); ize (to wear out); ize (worn out) …

jal (cymbal); jam (jam); jaz (jazz); jim (gym); job (job); joker (joker);

kaba (handbag); kabine (toilet); kabose (dented); kabose (to bend); kabri (goat); kadna (padlock); kadnase (to lock); kado (gift); kaka (shit); kaka (to shit); kal (wedge); kalkil (arithmetic); kalkile (to think); kalm (kalm); kalme (to calm down); kalote (to slap); kalot (slap); kamarad (friend); kamion (lorry); kanal (canal); kanar (duck); kanel (cinnamon); kanet (marble); kanif (pocket knife); kankrela (cockroach); kann (sugar-cane); kanpman (bungalow); kanser (cancer); kanpe (to camp); kantik (hymn); kapav (can); kape (to skip class or school or work); kapital (capital); kapitenn (captain); kapitone (quilted);
kapot (condom); kapsilater (bottle opener); karanbol (starfruit); kara (square); karant (buttocks); karay (saucepan); kardinal (cardinal); kare-kare (without fear or ambiguity); karese (to caress); karo (field); karo (iron); karot (carrot); karote (to misfire); kart (card); karya (termite); kase (to break); kasiet (to hide); kaskad (waterfall); kasket (cap); kaso (prison); kastrol (pan); katalog (catalogue); katastrof (disaster); katedral (cathedral); Katolik (Catholic); kavern (cave); kaye (copybook); kazie (fish trap); kazot (chicken house); kikenn (someone); kikfwa (maybe); kiksoz (something); kivet (basin);
kler (fair-skinned); kler/prop (neatly); kogne (to bump into); koko (coconut);
kol (collar); kole (to stick); kolie (necklace); koloni (colony); kolonial (colonial);
kolonn (post); koltar (coal tar); komannman (commandment); koltare (to asphalt); komante (to comment); kominie (to confirm); konbine (to combine); konble (to fill up); komedi (comedy); komeraz (gossip); komi (shopkeeper); kominote (community); komite (committee); kompyouter (computer); kondision (condition); koneksion (connection); konfeti (confetti); komik (comic); kondane (to condemn); kondire (to drive); kone (to know); konekte (to connect); konfese (to confess); konplete (to complete); konpoze (to compose); konpran (to understand); koseye (to advise); konsilte (to consult); konsole (to comfort); konsome (to consume); kontakte (to contact); konte (to count); konfor (comfort); konkour (contest); konpagni (company); konpleman (complement); konplikasion (complication); konkre (concrete); konplike (complicated); konvenab (convenient); korek (fine); konplis (accomplice); konplo (plot); konprime (pill); konsekans (consequence); konsey (advice); konsol (console); konsomater (consumer); konsonn (consonant); konstipasion (constipation); kont (account); kontak (contact); konteni (contents); kontra (contract); kontribision (contribution); kontrol (control); kontrole (to control); konzele (to freeze); kontwar (counter); konversasion (conversation); konze (holiday); kopi (copy); kopie (to copy); koray (coral); korde (to twist); koresponn (to correspond); kordonie (shoemaker); korn (horn); korize (to correct); koronp (to corrupt); koryas (tough); kosmar (nightmare); koson (pig); koste (to come near); koud (to sew); kostim (suit); koton (cotton); kouler (colour); koulou (nail); koumansman (beginning); kourpa (snail); kouloute (to nail down); koumanse (to start); koupe (to cut); kourbe (to bend); kourt (short); kourtize (to court); kouse (to set); koute (to cost); koutim (custom); koutpie (kick); kouve (to hatch); kouvertir (cover); kouyer (spoon); kouyon (idiot); kouyone (to fool); kouzen (cousin); koze (to speak); krab (crab); krapo (toad); krase (to spit); kraze (to destroy); kreatif (creative); kredi (on credit); krem (cream); Kreol Morisien (Mauritian Creole); krepi (to plaster); krepisaz (plaster); kreson (water-cress); Kretien (Christian); krim (crime); krisifie (to crucify); kristal (crystal); kritike (to criticise); kriye (to shout); krok (hook); krose (hook); krwayan (believer); kwafer (hairdresser);
kwen (corner); kwi (to cook) …
laba (there); labank (bank); labatwar (slaughterhouse); Labib (Bible); labier (beer); labitid (habit); labiyman (clothing); laboratwar (laboratory); labours (scholarship); labous (mouth); labouzi (candle); labraget (fly); labrez (embers); labrim (mist); ladan (inside); ladans (dance); ladig (dam); ladob (stew); ladrog (drug); laenn (hatred); lafami (family); lafaminn (famine); lafarinn (flour); lafen (hunger); lafiev (fever); laflam (flame); lafnet (window); lafore (forest); lafreyer (fear); lafwa (faith); lagar (station); lagazet (newspaper); lagign (bad luck); lagitar (guitar); laglas (mirror); lagon (lagoon);
lagratel (itch); lagren (seed); lagres (fat); lagrev (strike); lak (snare); lakav (cave); lake (tail); lakle (key); laklos (bell); lakol (glue); lakoler (anger); lalang (tongue); lalanp (lamp); lalev (lip); laliann (creeper); lalimier (light); lalinn (moon); lalis (list); lalit (struggle); lalwa (law); lam (blade); lamann (fine); lamans (handle); lamans (sleeve); lamar (marsh); lamaswar (jaw); lame (hand); lamer (sea); lames (mass); lames (wick); lamitie (friendship); lamizer (poverty); lamizik (music); lamod (fashion); lamok (tin); lamone (money);
lamor (death); lamour (love); lanatir (nature); landrwa (place); lane (year);
lanez (snow); lanfer (hell); lang (language); lank (ink); lanpoul (bulb); lanterman (funeral); lanti (lentils); lantonwar (funnel); lanvlop (envelope); lanwit (night); lao (above; on the top); lwen (far away); laont (shame); laparey (apparatus); lapay (straw); lape (peace); lapen (rabbit); lapes (to fish); lapeti (appetite); laplaz (beach); lapli (rain); lapo (skin); lapolis (police); laport (door); lapoud(powder); lapriyer (prayer); larad (harbour); lardwar (slate); lare (mean); lareg (ruler); larenn (queen); large (to free); lari (street); larivier (river); larkansiel (rainbow); larm (tear); larmwar (wardrobe); larou (wheel); larouy (rust); laroze (dew); larozwar (watering can); lars (axe); larz (big); larzan (money); las (loose); lasal (hall); lasam (room); lasann (ash); lasante (health); lasapel (chapel); lasas (hunting); lasas (to hunt); lasel (saddle); lasemine (chimney); lasenn (chain); laser (meat); laserp (billhook); lasesres (drought); lasiet (plate); lasos (gravy); lasoup (soup); lasours (spring); lastik (to hassle); laswa (silk); laswa (silk); laswaf (thirst); laswer (sweat); latab (table); latant (tent); later (earth); latet (head); latrap (trap); latrinn (lavatory); latwal (cloth); lavabo (sink); lavantaz (advantage); lavaper (steam); lavarang (verandah); lavenir (future); lave (to wash); lavenn (vein); laviann (meat); lavwa (voice); laz (age); l zam (leg); lazistis (justice); lazwa (joy); lebra (arm); ledan (tooth); ledikasion (education); ledo (back); ledwa (finger); legal (legal); legalize (to legalise); legim (vegetable); legliz (church); lekip (team); lekol (school); lekor (body); lekran (screen); lemer (mayor); lendepandans (independence); Lendi (Monday); lendistri (industry); lenpas (impasse); enprimri (press); lentere (interest); lenz (clothes); lepep (people); ler (air); lera (rat); lerb (grass); lesans (fuel); lese (to allow); lesiel (sky); leskalie (staircase); leson (private tuition); lespas (space); lespri (mind); lespwar (hope); let (letter); leta (state); letan (time); letan (weather); letaz (storey); levantay (fan); leve (to get up); lezar (gecko); leze (light); lezel (wing); lezo (bone); libere (to free); liberte (freedom); libreri (library/bookshop); lide (idea); lider (leader); likou (neck); lili (bed); lime (to file); limite (to limit); limon (lemon); linet (glasses); lipie (foot); lis (smooth); lisien (dog); lite (to struggle);literatir (literature); liv (book); livre (to deliver); lizie (eye); lizinn (factory); lizour (by day); lokal (local); lonbraz (shadow); long (long); lontan (long ago); lopinion (opinion); lopital (hospital); lopozision (opposition); lor (gold); loraz (thunder); lord (order); lorizon (horizon); lorye (pillow); lotelri (hotel business); loto (car); lotorite (authority); lotri (lottery); loue (to glorify);
lour (heavy); lous (odd); louvraz (work); loxizenn (oxygen); lwe (to rent) …

mach (match); madam (woman/wife); maja (delight); maf (not slim); makaroni (macaroni); maladi (disease); malediksion (curse); makiye (to make up); malfer (to blunder); maltrete (to illtreat); mandaye (to cheat); mandie (to beg); mal (badly); mal (male); malad (sick); malang (dirty); malelve (misbehaved); malen (intelligent, cunning); maler (misfortune); malsans (bad luck); malere (poor); malfer (badly done); malonet (dishonest); malsans (unlucky); malsen (unhealthy); mama (mother); mandian (beggar); manev (apprentice); mang (mango); manga (to be angry); manifeste (to demonstrate); maniganse (to plot); manke (to miss); mansione (to mention); manze (to eat); maniok (cassava); manteg (ghee); manter (liar); manton (chin); manze (food); map (map); margoz (bittergourd); Mardi (Tuesday); mari (husband); mari (very); marmit (cooking-pot); Mars (March); maron (brown); maron (to move off); marsande (to haggle); marye (to marry); masakre (to massacre); maske (to mask); marsandiz (goods); marto (hammer); maryaz (wedding); maser (sister); maske (masked); mason (mason); masone (to put a new layer); mastike (to putty); matrake (to club); mat (mat, not glossy); maternel (motherly); matant (aunt); matematik (mathematics); matla (mattress); maye (to catch); Me (May); meb (furniture); meble (to furnish); meday (medal); melanz (mixture); meg (thin); metalik (metallic); megri (to lose weight); menase (to threaten); meprize (to despise); merite (to deserve); memwar (memory); menas (threat); menot (handcuffs); Merkredi (Wednesday); mesaz (message); metal (metal); mete (to put); metie (occupation); mexinn (medicine); mie (dumb); mikro (microphone); miltiplikasion (multiplication); minant (annoying); minit (minute); minn (noodle); mins/mens (flimsy); mir (ripe); mirak (miracle); miskle (muscled); miting (meeting); mize (museum); mizer (poor); Mizilman (Muslim); mizire (to measure); modernize (to modernise); moke (to mock); modern (modern); monotonn (monotonous); Morisien (Mauritian); mortel (mortal); mofinn (misfortune); moniman (monument); mons (monster); mont (watch);
montagn (mountain); moulen (mill); monte (to rise); montre (to show); mor (to die); morde (to bite); mosad (sad); mou (soft); mouse (to blow one’s nose); moustas (moustache); moustik (mosquito); mwano (sparrow); mouste (spotted); mouye (to wet); move (terribly) …

nam (soul/ghost); narinn (nostril); nasion (nation); nat (mat); nate (to plait); natirel (natural); navige (to navigate); navir (ship); naze (to swim); nef (new); neglize (to neglect); netwaye (to clean); nen (dwarf); nen (dwarf); nene (nose); ners (nurse); nerve (nervous); neseser (necessary); net (completely); neve (nephew); niaz (cloud); nik (nest); nilon (nylon); nimero (number); niouz (news); nivle (to level); nivo (level); nom (name); nom (noun); nome (to nominate); note (to note); noter (notary); notis (notice); nouri (to feed);
nouritir (food); nouvo (new); Novam (November); nwar (black); Nwel (Christmas) …

obeir (to obey); obeisan (obedient); obsenn (obscene); obligasion (obligation); obskirite (darkness); obstak (obstacle); oblize (to force); obskir (dark); obzerve (to observe); ofanse (to offend); ogmante (to increase); okipe (to look after); ofans (offence); ogmantasion (rise); ofisiel (official); okilis (eye doctor); Oktob (October); ole (to want); omlet (omelette); onet (honest); oparler (loudspeaker); operasion (operation); orfelen (orphan); organizasion (organisation); opoze (to oppose); organize (to organise); orne (to decorate); oral (oral); oranz (orange); oriantal (oriental); orizinal (original);
orizontal (horizontal); ot (tall; high); otaz (hostage); otorize (to authorise); ouver (to open); ourit (octopus); oursen (urchin); Out (August); oval (oval); overtaym (overtime); ozonn (ozone); oze (to dare) …

pa (footstep); pagla (madman); Pak (Easter); pal (pale); palab (gossip); pandi (to hang); panik (panic); panike (to panic); pann (breakdown); panndit (Hindu priest); pansion (pension); pansman (dressing); pantalon (trousers); panse (to think); papay (papaya); papie (paper); papiyon (butterfly); par (share); parad (parade); paradi (paradise); paragraf (paragraph); paralel (parallel); paran (parents); parasol (umbrella); pardon (mercy); pardone (to forgive); paret (to appear); parfen (perfume); parfime (perfumed); parking (car park); parlman (parliament); parol (words); partaze (to share); parti (party); parti (to go abroad); partisipe (to participate); parye (to bet); partner (partner); pasab (not bad); pasaze (passenger); paspor (passport); pastan (hobby); patron (boss); paz (page); pe (progressive aspect marker); pedale (to pedal); pelerinaz (pilgrimage); penalti (penalty); pengn (comb); penn (to paint); pense (to pinch); perl (pearl); permet (to permit); peron (doorstep); perse (to pierce); persez (drill); peryod (period); pese (sin); peser (fisherman); petal (petal); petar (firecracker); petrol (kerosene); peye (to pay); peze (to weigh);
piano (piano); piaw (fool); pibliye (to publish); pies (girlfriend); piez (snare);
pikan (thorn); pike (to inject); piknik (picnic); pil (battery); pilil (pill); pilot (pilot); pima (chilly); pini (to punish); pinso (brush); pion (messenger);  piose (to dig); pipe (to heckle); pirat (pirate); pirog (pirogue); pis (flea); pisinn (swimming pool); pistas (peanut); pitay (money); plan (plan); plane (to glide); plans (plank); plante (to plant); plas (place); plat (flat); pleg (plug); plen (full); plengne (to moan); plim (feather); plim (pen); plitar (later);
plonze (to dive); plore (to weep); poem (poem); poli (polite); polision (pollution); pom (apple); pon (bridge); ponn (to lay); popiler (popular); portre (picture); pos (pocket); poto (post); pou (future marker); poudinn (pudding); poul (hen); poule (chicken); poulemoman (for the time being); poupet (doll); pouri (rotten); pouri (to rot); pourswiv (to sue); pous (thumb); pouse (to grow); poze (to put); pran (to take); pre (nearby); prefere (favourite); prenom (first name); presion (pressure); prenses (princess); prezans (presence); prezidan (president); prepare (to prepare); prete (to lend); prezante (to introduce); prezerve (to preserve); priye (to pray); pri (price); prodir (to produce); profeser (teacher); profet (prophet); profi (profit); profite (to take advantage of); program (program); progre (progress); promet (to promise); proteste (to protest); proteze (to protect); provoke (to provoke); prop (clean); proverb (proverb); pwa (weight); pwason (fish);
pwazon (poison); pwisan (powerful) … 

rabo (plane); rabote (to plane); radar (radar); radio (radio); rafal (gust); rafresi (to refresh); rakomode (to mend); rakonte (to tell); ralanti (to slow down); ramase (to pick up); ralonz (extension); ram (oar); rame (to row); rande (to give back); ranpe (to crawl); randevou (appointment); rapor (report); ranplase (to replace); ranpli (to fill); rantre (to enter); ranze (to repair); rapid (quick); rar (rare); rase (to snatch); rate (to miss); rato (rake); ravann (ravann); ravaz (devastation); reaksion (reaction); ravaze (to ravage); raze (to shave); realis (realist); realite (reality); reazir (to react); rebel (rebel); red (hard); redi (to tighten); rediksion (reduction); refer (to do again); refri (referee); regrete (to regret); rekolt (harvest); rekolte (to harvest); rekonpanse (to reward); remarke (to notice); remersie (to thank); rekor (record); relasion (relation); relizion (religion); remor (remorse); rense (to rinse); rente (to work very hard); repare (to repair); repa (meal); reparasion (repair); repetision (rehearsal); repiblik (republic); repitasion (reputation); repo (rest); repete (to repeat); repons (answer); repoze (to rest); repros (reproach); resepsion (reception); reset (receipts); resi (receipt); resite (to recite); resor (spring); respirasion (breathing); restoran (restaurant); retour (return); reste (to stay); retire (to withdraw); retourne (to return); retret (retirement); rev (dream); revans (revenge); reve (to dream); reveni (income); revey (alarm clock); revi (magazine); revize (to revise); revizion (revision); reyon (ray); rezen (grape); rezime (summary); reziste (to resist); rezon (reason); rezonab (reasonable); ridikil (ridiculous); rido (curtain); rifil (refill); rime (to rhyme); rimer (rumour); risk (risk); rob (dress); robo (robot); rode (to search); rol (role); rom (rum); ron (round); ronpwen roundabout); ros (stone); rote (to burp); roten (rod); roule (to move); roupi (rupee); rouye (rusty); rouz (red); roz (pink); roz (rose); rozet (bow); rwayal (royal); rwayom (kingdom) …

sab (machete); sagou (sago); sagren (sadness); sak (bag); sakrifis (sacrifice); sakristen (sexton); sal (dirty); salad (salad); sale (salted); saler (heat); sali (floor); salisan (gets easily dirty); sanzenn (impudent); segonder (secondary); salon (sitting room); Samdi (Saturday); samousa (samosa); sang (belt); sanpignon (mushroom); sante (song); sante (to sing); santi (to smell); sanze (to change); sapen (Christmas tree); sapit (chapter); sapo (hat); saret (cart); sari (saree); sarze (to load); saser (hunter); satini (chutney); satisfer (to satisfy); savon (soap); sega (sega); segne (to bleed); sek (dry); sek (suddenly); sekre (secret); sekre (sekret); sele (to seal up); selebre (to celebrate); seme (to sow); seleksion (selection); semiz (shirt); senbolize (to symbolise); separe (to separate); sendika (trade union); Septam (September); senp (simple); senser (sincere); ser (expensive); sere (tight); sere (to tighten); serir (lock); sermon (sermon); sertifika (certificate); servant (servant); servi (to serve); serviet (towel); servolan (kite); serye (serious); seval (horse);
sex (sex); seye (to try); sez (chair); sezon (season); sibsid (subsidy); SIDA (AIDS); siek (century); sif (number); sifle (to whistle); sign (sign); signal (signal); signale (to signal); signe (to sign); sikane (to tease); siklonn (cyclone); sikse (success); silab (syllable); silans (silence); sime (road); sinema (cinema); sinifie (to mean); sipliye (to beg); sirman (surely); sirnom (surname); siro (syrup); sistem (system); site (working class housing estate); sitronel (lemon grass); skandal (scandal); skelet (skeleton); so (hot); som (dim); sofa (sofa); solda (soldier); soley (sun); somey (sleep); son (sound); sorbe (ice-cream);
sorti (to go out); soset (sock); sosis (sausage); sote (to jump); soufer (to (suffer); soufle (blow); soufrans (suffering); soukoup (saucer); soulaze (to relieve); souleve (to lift); soulie (shoe); souligne (to underline); soupire (to sigh); sourd (deaf); soursi (eyebrow); souse (to suck); souvan (often); souvenir (souvenir); souye (to wipe); sove (to run away); swagne (to take care of); swazire (to choose); spor (sport); stasion (station); stati (statue); stepne (spare tyre); sakouye (to shake); steril (sterile); swaf (thirsty); swete (to wish); swiv (to follow) …

tab (multiplication table); taba (tobacco); tabisman (sugar estate); talan (talent); tabla (tabla); tablet (shelf); tablo (painting); talon(heel); tamaren (tamarind); tami (sieve); tanbour (drum); tande (to hear); tang (kind of hedgehog); tanpann (dandruff); tann (not mature); tant (shopping bag); tantinn (aunt); tantan (tempting); tanto (late afternoon); tapaz (noise); tanzantan (from time to time); tape (to knock); tase (to get caught); tate (to feel); tawa (tawa – metal plate for cooking farata); tax (tax); taye (to cut);
tayer (tailor); taymteboul (timetable); tinel (tunnel); teat (theatre); teknik (technique); telefonn (telephone); televizion (television); telefone (to phone); temwagne (to witness); terne (to sneeze); tem (stamp); temwen (witness); tengn (to switch); teren (plot of land); term (term); tes (test); teste (to test); teti (stubborn); ti (past tense marker); tib (tube); tied (lukewarm); tifi (girl); tini (to hold); tipe (to type); tipti (small); tipwa (pea); tiraz (draw); tire (to remove); tirwar (drawer); tiyo (pipe); tok (turban); tolere (to tolerate);
tomat (tomato); tonbe (to fall); tortire (to torture); touf (bush); toufe (to smother); toultan (always); tourel (trowel); touris (tourist); tournavis (screw driver); trankilite (quietness); trans (slice); tourne (to turn); touse (to touch); tradir (to translate); trakase (to worry); tradisionel (traditional); trankil (quiet); trangle (to choke); tranpe (to soak); transe (to slice); transpire (to sweat); travay (to work); tras (trace); travay (work); traverse (to cross); trazik (tragic); trene (to drag); trike (to trick); triko (jumper); tris (sad); triyang (triangle); triyange (to find a way out); tronpe (to err); tropikal (tropical);
trou (hole); troupo (herd); trouve (to find); twalet (toilet); vag (wave); vakabon (vagabond); valab (valid); valiz (suitcase); Vandredi (Friday); vantilater (fan); vantar (proud); vanzans (revenge); vazlinn (vaseline); vef (widower); venere (to worship); ver (green); veren (jack); vesel (crockery); vev (widow); veye (to watch); vide (to pour); vie (old); vif (quick); vila (villa); vilaz (village); vilen (ugly); vineg (vinegar); vini (to come); violan (violent); vis (screw); vise (to screw); visie (vicious); vit (quickly); viv (to live); vizavi (opposite); vize (to aim); vizit (visit); vizite (to visit); vo (to be worth); vokabiler (vocabulary); vol (theft); volan (steering wheel); volim (volume); volkan (volcano); volonte (will); vomi (to vomit); vot (vote); vwayaze (to travel); vwayel (vowel); vwazen (neighbour); vakarne (to go for a walk); vaksine (to vaccinate); vanze (to avenge); ward (ward); warning (to warn); waya (hip, buttocks); werksop (workshop); weyter (waiter); wi (yes); wikenn (weekend); wiski (whisky)…
yam (spy); yam (to look without being seen); yapyap (to talk endlessly); zaze (to talk nonsense); zerme (to germinate); yenn (craving); yer (yesterday); yev (hare); yoga (yoga); yoyo (yoyo)…

zafer (thing); zagraf (fastener); zak (jackfruit); zako (monkey); zalou (jealous);
zame (never); zanana (pineapple); zanbon (ham); zanfan (child); zanfout (selfish); zanimo (animal); zansiv (gum); Zanvie (January); zarden (garden); zariko (bean); zarm (weapon); zeb (zebra); Zedi (Thursday); zegwi (needle); zekler (lightning); zelev (pupil); Zen (June); zenn (young); zenou (knee); zepeng (pin); zepis (spice); zepol (shoulder); zete (to throw); zetwal (star); zigzage (to zigzag); ziromon (pumpkin); ziska (until); Ziyet (July); zize (to judge); zoke (jockey); zoli (beautiful); zom (man); zongle (to juggle); zonn (yellow); zoranz (orange); zordi (today); zorey (ear); zour (day); zoure (to wear); zouti (tool); zouzou (toy); zwazo (bird); zwe (to play); zwir (to enjoy);

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